Purpose Welcome to the Delta Delta Pi Alumni web site. Please keep in mind that is a work in progress. Any and all suggestions, improvements, or additions are graciously welcomed. Also keep in mind that this is volunteer publication and specific changes may take time to put into effect due to time considerations or technical research. This is and will continue to be a fluid work in progress. Its primary purpose is to allow a better flow of information between alumni and between alumni and students of Delta Delta Pi. Other possibilities of this web site are endless. It is our intention as the Alumni Association to limit these "other possibilities" to things that would benefit the Alumni Association as a whole and to things that would advance Delta Delta Pi Fraternity to insure its continual survival. Channing C. Bolick, D.C., Alumni President Our Mission
1. To maintain a professional Fraternity at Palmer College of Chiropractic.
2. To be dedicated to the maintenance of an International Alumni Association.
To provide a cohesive body that will allow the best possible communication between
4. To allow access to all Fraternal news and financial standings for the Alumni Association and the Fraternity alike. Naturally all confidential or sensitive information would only be posted in the password protected areas of this web site for dues paying members exclusively.
5. To be as entertaining and humorous as possible.
6. To find the means to ensure that the fraternity is a financially stable organization.
7. To promote a strong Alumni Association with the intended purpose of creating a strong professional spirit, aiding the Fraternity, Palmer College, and the Chiropractic Profession.
General Fraternity Information
Delta Delta Pi is a professional fraternity at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. Keeping with the spirit of a professional fraternity, Delta Delta Pi is a co-ed organization with both male and female members.
Its primary purpose is to promote educational seminars and intellectual discussions for the members and guests of the Fraternity. With the intended purpose of educating them about the philosophy, science, and art of Chiropractic. So that they may be better prepared for their future role as a Doctor of Chiropractic.
Its secondary purpose is to provide a support network for its members to provide encouragement and aid to fellow members. Also to promote social activities, while being kept at a minimum, because social conduct is an important aspect of being a well rounded Chiropractor.
Contact Information
Alumni Dues are $250 Annually (Aug. to Aug.)
Increased 2002 Annual Alumni Meeting by Unanimous Vote
Delta Delta Pi Professional Chiropractic Fraternity 124 West 12th Street Davenport, IA 52803
Alumni Dues are $250 Annually (Aug. to Aug.)
⬇️PayPal Button (below)
Alumni Dues are $250 Annually (Aug. to Aug.)
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Send mail to channing@bolickclinic
com with
questions or comments about this web site.