Date: 11/22/06

To: Delta Delta Pi Alumni
From:  Dan Griffin, Student President
Subj: Alumni Report


Two new members were inducted last trimester and there are currently eights pledges.  New  student officers were sworn in at the beginning of the trimester serving one year terms.  Dan Griffin is the new student treasurer.  They are currently planning on community outreach at a local homeless shelter over the holidays.  New member recruitment has been a primary goals since 13 members graduated two trimesters ago.  A after boards party with a live band and free beer was hosted in September 2006 at the DDPi House.  The Downstairs Kitchen was painted and any water damaged ceiling tiles were replaced in November 2006.  The current pledge project is repainting the Chapter Room.  There are five pledges currently.


Date: 6/14/06

To: Delta Delta Pi Alumni
From:  Magen Lange, Student President
Subj: Alumni Report


In December we decided to have a karaoke contest where all of our proceeds went to the chiropractors  victimized by hurricane Katrina with matching funds from Palmer. Over Valentines Day we had a “Have a Heart” sale at Palmer which benefited the children of Oklahaven Children's Hospital.  It is a chiropractic facility which helps terminally ill children.  We are applying for financial help from there River Boat Authority for the new windows project.  We just found out we have to be registered as a non-profit with the State of Iowa to get consideration.  There is a attorney related to a member that is helping us for free.  We expect to have 11 pledges at homecoming and are working hard on membership drives.  We have had plenty of bake sales this past year and also we have had a Bar-B-Que.  We have guest D.C. speakers lecturing at the house and also at the school.  



Date: 7/19/05

To: Delta Delta Pi Alumni
From:  Don Pfau, Student President
Subj: Alumni Report

DDPi State of the Union Address for Homecoming 2004 through Homecoming 2005

The house structure itself:

1.)    The downstairs kitchen received a face lift with new tile and new cabinets. The cabinets were built by hand.

2.)    There is a new horseshoe pit in the backyard.

3.)    The large tree out front had a circle dug around it. Bricks border the edge of it and flowers were planted inside the ring. It looks quite nice.

4.)    10 hanging flower baskets were created and adorn the front deck.

5.)    The technique room was stripped of its plaster. There was water damage to the plaster and it was crumbling. There is new drywall and a beautiful paint job. The ceiling received some work and repair as well.

6.)    The attic has been cleaned of junk left behind by past tenants. It wasn’t bad but needed to be done.

7.)    The fire pit in the back yard is finished.

8.)    The basement has been thoroughly cleaned. We improved the basement by adding Christmas lights to the ceiling which can be turned on during parties so people don’t feel crept out. It used to be quite a dark basement. There are still improvements being made on the downstairs bar; mainly plumbing.

9.)    The new pledge class coming in August will be painting the front porch along with other things.

10.) The house has been inspected and we are up to code.  

The Membership

1)      There have been 8 new members added to the list and an expected 8-11 pledges coming in during the summer trimester. 

2)      Community service was performed at Nahan Hunt Marsh. This is a community wetlands project for education. This is our second year doing this.

3)      Keri Lubelan started a fundraiser selling bracelets to provide chiropractic care for kids who are terminal.

4)      We had 39 members last tri; had a few graduate and expect 8-11 to be added by homecoming.

5)      Recruiting strategies and implementation have been a major focus the past year.

6)      Progressive parties are alive once again. We started this with the other houses in March and our second one is coming up on the 23rd of July. There seems to be a cooperation and understanding between the houses these days. The first party went really well.


1)      Fundraising report:  Bake sales still brought in anywhere from 60-130 dollars. We usually have two a trimester. We had a fundraising party back in May with the Girls Rugby team but we broke even on that one. It was the first warm Saturday in May and there was a festival downtown. This was the big fundraiser last year.

2)      All bills have been paid and we are in the black.

 Goals 2005-2006

1)      Keep increasing our membership.

2)      Work on a plan to replace the windows on the ground floor with more energy efficient windows to save money on bills. This includes the two windows in the kitchen upstairs.

3)      Get a knee-chest table for the technique room.

4)      Reach a point where we don’t have to improve anything in the house. I believe the windows are the last major project.

5) Give the kitchen upstairs a facelift in the future. It is old and falling apart.



Date: 11/17/04

To: Delta Delta Pi Alumni
From:  Don Pfau, Student President
Subj: Pledging


Hey Channing and Ky,
Pledging started today. We have 11 pledges. Hell weekend starts on Dec 10th. Spaghetti Dinner is December 11th at 5pm cocktails start. If you could forward this update to the alumni that would be great. Also my email for them is if they have any questions.




Date: 7/21/04

To: Delta Delta Pi Alumni
From:  Don Pfau, Student President
Subj: Alumni Report


Delta Delta Pi

Goals accomplished

Summer ’03-Summer ‘04


1.                 Membership reached 36. Four people graduated this past June.

2.                 House GPA is up. We are currently at 3.2 average.

3.                 We have active involvement and officers from school clubs. These clubs and positions being student council reps, president of SACA, coach of the first ever Palmer Women’s Rugby team, Irene Gold and NBS reps, Sports Council, AK, Pettibon, Sports injury, Activator, SOT, Thompson, and others.

4.                 We restarted Chiro Nights on Wednesdays and have had faculty start coming around the house again. Key speakers from the faculty and the previous clubs mentioned have come to speak and more are scheduled every trimester.

5.                 We have recruited Dr. Carpenter, one of the staff doctors. He is an active faculty member and a great asset to the house.

6.                 We have remodeled the kitchen with fundraising money from bake sales and raffles. In addition, the pool room received a face lift. We are working on redoing the tile floor in there.

7.                 We have started an account to have our roof redone and so far have raised $1100 dollars. This is a separate account whose main goal is to get a new roof.

8.                 We have met our budget for bills and house finances. A big hand for Steve Siu, our current treasurer who took over for Rod Holdgrafer who also did an excellent job.

9.                 We have a soda machine which was donated to the house and generates extra revenue.

10.             We plan to reach our goal of more than 50 members by December and more after that.

11.             We have better access to speaking with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd tri students to gain more exposure for the fraternity so they can join earlier than the trend in the past.

12.             All rooms have been rented for the whole year and renovated with new paint and carpets (in the rooms that needed it). These supplies were donations from the members occupying the rooms.

13.             Currently establishing a web page which we can keep updates and pictures for alumni viewing.

Goals for the next year


1.       Increase membership up to 70 people. This is important because when

          class 061 graduates in February 2006, we will lose 18 people.

2.       Maintain if not increase our GPA.

2.       Get a new roof. This is vital because more money from our fundraising is being used to fix parts of the house destroyed from water damage than what we’d like to use it for. The best estimates come out to 18.000. Estimates will be available for viewing at Homecoming.

3.       Looking into getting windows for the ground floor. This would save a tremendous amount of money in the winter. Estimates (the better ones come out to around 10,000. Our first priority is the roof.

4.       We would like to see if we can acquire a hi-low table whether it be donation or something reasonable.

5.       Chapter room carpet is under consideration.

6.       Keep working on Alumni relations.


Date: 10/30/03

To: Delta Delta Pi Alumni
From: Steve Siu, treasurer of DDPi.
Subj: Election Results


My name is Steve Siu, I am writing to inform you I am the new treasurer of DDPi. The other position are:

President : Donald Pfau

1st VP : John Artis

2nd VP : Kristopher Nordrum

Treasurer : Steve Siu

Secretary : Tony Manrique

If you have any question, please feel free to email me or call 323-5135.



Steve Siu


Date: 10/2/03

To: Delta Delta Pi Alumni
From: Jim McKivigan, Delta Delta Pi President
Subj: Update


Hello Channing,

I thought that I would send you a quick email and let you know what is going on this week.

I submitted the Riverboat grant.  The individual I gave it to went immediately to the enclosures and saw that we had the IRS statement, but not the Iowa statement of good standing.  Also, we were not listed on the National Registry of Historical Buildings, as are the Delt house and Sigma Phi Chi.  She returned the application to me and told me to obtain the statement of good standing and to contact the representative of the historical society in Davenport so we could begin the paperwork to be placed on the historical list. 

The Riverboat representative told me that without being on the historical list, we would probably not be granted any money, since the Riverboat Development Authority prefers giving money to the organizations that are of historical importance to Davenport.

I have some concerns about being on the historical list.  Should I pursue being placed on the historical list with the National Registry?  How would that impact our corporation?  Would that interfere with the design of the house should we want to make alterations to the design of the house in the future?  Would we be required to have "open houses" to the public at certain times during the year?  Would we be required to have various inspectors come through the house? 

Obviously, you won't know all of these answers, and we won't know until I speak with the Historical Society Representative, but the process does bring up issues.  I can certainly begin the process, and if it is not working out, we can always stop the process before we are put on the Historical Society list.  I do not see any problems with investigating the process, unless you have some corporate history on why we should not look into it.

The new executive council will be sworn in next Friday.  Their names and current trimesters are as follows: Don Pfau, president, 3rd tri; John Artis, first vice-president, 6th tri; Kris Nordrum, second vice-president, 3rd tri; Steve Siu, treasurer, 3rd tri; and Tony Manrique, secretary, 6th tri.  They are excited about the fraternity, and they want to continue to build on what we have accomplished in the past year.  Those of us on the outgoing executive council will all be here for at least one trimester to help the new executives as they begin their duties. 

We will be holding Casino Night on Friday, October 3rd.  We have everything in line.  The event will be held at the college in the student union.  We have advertised in the Beacon, put up posters, and handed out flyers.  We have the equipment rented and we are giving out door prizes.  We want to keep the outlays in the $200 to $250 range, so anything over that will be profit for us.  I will let you know what happens.

We are making plans for pledging for next trimester.  The newbies are excited about that, and we have nearly a dozen potential pledges lined up.  Also, Brean Symmonds, a newbie, wrote an article for the Beacon concerning the new members, and which included a picture of all the newbies standing at the bottom of the member's stairs.  So we are hoping that will generate some interest in the fraternity.

Another good sign of what is going on here is that members are once again bringing their friends over for study sessions, to use the technique room to practice their setups for practicals, or to just stop by for a few minutes and say hi.  I have been approached by a few students in the halls at school, and their comments have been favorable.

That is about it for now.


Date: 9/15/03

To: Delta Delta Pi Alumni
From: Jim McKivigan, Delta Delta Pi President
Subj: Update


We are ready to pay the taxes.  We have the money, so there are no worries there.

We are going to have a BBQ at the school on Wednesday as a fundraiser, and everything is on line for our casino night fundraiser on Friday, October 3rd.  We plan to have another casino night in late January or early February.  The reason for the second fundraiser is two fold.  One, we will see if we can make more money, and two, I want to make sure that the members in the lower trimesters know how to conduct a casino night after I graduate in February. 

Changing the subject, do we have any alumni who live in Bloomington, MN near Northwestern Chiropractic College?  I have my part 4 confirmation, and I will have to go there to take the test.  :-( 

I am scheduled to take the test on Friday, November 14th, but NBCE has a clause in the letter that says "Do not make plans to leave the test site until Sunday, November 16th at 7:00."  The bastards.  I am getting more than a little disgusted with NBCE.  On the up side, if we have some members who live in the area, I can see their practice and go to dinner with people with whom I have some things in common.  Let me know.

One last thing for now, this is a heads up to let you know what is going on at the house.  We will not be renewing Pat's lease at the house in November.  He has not paid his dues or his rent this trimester.  He has not made any progress in the clinic or in the school this trimester.  He was in tenth trimester last tri and he failed all of his classes.  He did not even get his 40 QE's on adjustments last trimester, and he will not get them this tri at the rate he is going.  He has not been to class this trimester, although he claims to be enrolled in school.  He has not been in clinic since Lyceum, and he is making plans to obtain an extension for next tri.  It does not take three trimesters to get through tenth tri at Palmer. 

Additionally, we cannot keep empty kegs at the house because Pat returns them to get the cash deposit for his own spending money.  In the past few days, Pat returned three empty kegs to obtain the deposit for his own spending money.  We confronted him on the issue yesterday. 

We realize that Pat is very personable, and he has many friends among the alumni, but we (the membership) believe that the fraternity must be run like a business.  We have a motivated group of newbies, nine of them, and eight of them will be here for the next 2 years.  Those of us who have changed the house around in the past year do not want to see the newbies infected with Pat's laziness.  We realize that there will be some discontent among the alumni, but neither I, nor the president-elect, Don Phau, will tolerate any nonsense on this issue. 

Pat is not a good member.  His participation is at the absolute minimum level, and his efforts to keep the house clean are nonexistent.  We are not going to revoke his membership.  He is still a member, but we will not allow him to have a room in the house, and we are not going to renew his lease in November.  I gave him a memo two weeks ago regarding this, and he has not made any effort to discuss the issue with any member of the executive committee. 

Naturally, we invite your input on the issue, but we are opinionated.  We live with Pat everyday, and we see how he behaves on a daily basis.  We have goals for the house in the upcoming year, and we want to move forward and build at better fraternity than the alumni saw this past August.  It is my personal opinion that Pat will not be a supporter of building the fraternity into what it could become, in fact, he would be a detractor.  If you have any suggestions, or if you can light a fire under Pat, the membership would appreciate it.

I hope that I have not left you in a negative mood.  I realize that e-mails do not have the inflection or tone that phone calls or talking one on one can have, but I did want you to know what is going on here in Davenport.  I did want you to know that the membership is concerned about this issue, but they are more concerned about building a strong fraternity that the alumni will be proud of.  We are very thankful that the alumni spent a considerable amount of money to insure the fraternity would survive, and we want want to do our part to continue that dedication.

We will have an after boards party tomorrow, Sunday, September 14th, starting at 8 PM Davenport time, 9 PM your time.  Please feel free to call me at home (563) 441-0463, or on my cell (563) 528-0046 before the party, or at the house during the party.




August 26, 2003

To: Delta Delta Pi Alumni
From: Jim McKivigan, Delta Delta Pi President
Subj: Pledging Update


We had our initiation ceremony on Sunday, August 24th.  We initiated all nine pledges, so now we are up to 27 active members.  There was a time when we thought that 2 pledges would quit, and one of them did, but she came back the next day and said she wanted to continue.  We had a clinic doctor, Scott Carpenter, join also, so we have a new faculty member.  Darrin Foszcz was here for the attic on Saturday and for the initiation on Sunday, so the newbies were able to meet him.

4 members, Brad Messerly, Brad Bushman, Mike Herrick, and Brian Woodbeck, should be graduating this trimester, so we will have 24 members starting next trimester.  Russ, Brent, and I will be graduating next trimester. 

Brean Symmonds, one of our newbies, has 5 potential members lined up, and several people have spoken to some of the members about pledging.  We are pretty excited about that.

We have two fund raisers arranged over the next six weeks.  September 17th we will have an End of Summer BBQ at the college, and on October 3rd, we will have a Casino/Dance night at the college.  I will let you know how that will work out.  This Friday we will have someone talking to the membership about Myovision, so the members should like that.

All in all, it looks like we are on a real upswing.  I am sure that this has been a long time coming, and the older members want to do their best to instill the newbies with the desire to "keep the drive alive." 

Nominations for the executive committee will be posted this Friday.  We won't change the executive committee until the end of this trimester, but we wanted to start now, so the new executives can follow the current executives around for a month to learn about their positions.  The good news is that 4 of the 5 current executives will be here for at least one trimester after the new executives take over, and 2 of the 5 will be here for the entire tenure of the new executives.  That will provide us with continuity over the next year.

Brad Bushman's father donated a soda pop machine to the house.  We put it in the first floor kitchen.  This will allow us to have pop and beer available to the members at all times.  It will also provide us with a better method for having a "beer tax" than the current method.  The beer sheriff will be able to keep the machine stocked easier, also, since cases of canned pop and beer are easier to carry and transport than a keg.  Of course we will use the kegs for large gatherings, parties, and for pledging, but we plan to use the machine for day to day use, because of the improved method of having a "beer tax."

That is about it for now.  I will keep you posted with updates as things happen.



Date: August 04, 2003
To: Delta Delta Pi Alumni
From: Jim McKivigan, Delta Delta Pi President

1. The following is a list of goals accomplished by the Delta Delta Pi Student Membership from August 2002 to August 2003:

a. We have raised $487.00 through fundraising during Palmer fiscal year 2003, and we have obtained $350 in matching funds through applications to Student Council.  Fundraisers included coupon book sales, bake sales, and a raffle for a play station 2.

b. We have gained nine new members, and we have nine new pledges.  If all of the current pledges complete their pledge period, it will represent a 93% increase in membership from this time last year.

c. We have improved the GPA of the house, ridded the house of having a reputation for drugs, and increased membership.

d. We paid the December taxes, which amounted to $3,600 ($1800 for December 2002, and $1800 for June 2003), and sent $2,000 to the DDPi alumni treasurer to help pay the mortgage.

e. We have promoted the House through articles in the Beacon, participation in Activities Fair Day, fundraisers, parties, Lyceum tables, re-establishing Chiro nights, and by passing out over 600 flyers to first trimester students in classes 061, 062, and 063 at the Student Council Orientation Breakfast.  Additional flyers about the house have been distributed at Activity Fair Day, at the kiosk in the Skywalk, and during house parties.

f. We painted the chapter room and the front porch.

g. We remodeled the small bathroom by the poolroom.

h. We dry walled and painted the back hallway by the kitchen, and purchased a runner for the back stairs.

i. We completed the restoration the second upstairs bathroom by the kitchen.

j. We built a climbing wall in the attic.

k. We restored the technique room ceiling, which sustained water damage due to the leaky roof.

l. We performed a temporary roof patching while we are investigating ways to raise funds for a major roof repair.

m. We reupholstered the chiropractic table and purchased a cervical chair.

2. Our goals for the upcoming year include:

a. We are planning a Casino and Dance Night at the Student Union.  The dance will be held in the Union while the casino will be set up downstairs in the cafeteria.  The date will be October 03, 2003, and the date has been confirmed by Student Services.  The purpose of the casino night is to be a fundraiser for the fraternity, and we would like to hold a casino night once a trimester if it is successful. 

b. We are sponsoring Dr. Thomas to come on campus August 14, 2003, to lecture on x-ray analysis to Palmer students.  The lecture will focus on material needed for Part 3 and 4 boards.  It is a free lecture, and it is open to all interested students. The purpose of this is to begin associating the name of the fraternity with educational events.

c. We are currently having a coupon book sale as a fundraiser.  We will also have BBQ's, bake sales, and raffles over the next year.

d. We are currently applying to the Davenport Riverboat Authority for funds to make repair to the house such as the roof and exterior walls and windows.  There may be other sources of funds such as the Scott County Authority.  The deadline is October 1st.  We will keep you advised as to the progress we make.

f. We will continue to actively increase the membership of the house.  We would like to have at least 40 members in order to accomplish all the duties listed in the constitution. 

g. We will continue to participate in hosting educational events in order to influence the attitude of the student body toward the fraternity in a positive manner. 

h. We will continue to restore the house to the best of our financial ability.

i. If our membership becomes large enough, and we are succeeding in the above goals, we will look into the possibility of performing community projects such as hosting a scouting outing, visiting nursing homes, or other such projects as appropriate.

3. Thank you for your support over the past year.  We have faced some challenges in the recent past, but we believe that we are making progress in re-building our fraternity.

Participation Chart Scores

DDP Attendance 1/03 ? 6/23/03 For those who may be
concerned about individual activities, there have been
21 organized events with attendance taken since
January including two bake sales, one activity fair,
one party where we worked a raffle table, and 17
meetings. Newbies were only elibible for the last 7,
so corresponding scores are shown below.
John Artis 8/21
Pat Fatta 15/21
Brent Banks 20/21
Brad Bushman 20/21
Brad Messerly 19/21
Mike Herrick 7/21
Rodney Holdgrafer 16/21
Jim McKivigan 20/21 1 excused absence
Russell Petersen 18/21 2 excused abs.
Don Pfau 16/21 1 excused
Gerald Pierre-Antoine 14/21 1 excused
Shana Sandrow 15/21 1 excused
Brian Woodbeck 17/21
Katy Zajicek 11/21 1 excused
Mike Tinkey 4/7
Kris Nordrum 5/7 1 excused
Tony Manrique 6/7
Steve Siu 5/7

New Student Executive Council (10/29/02):

President- Jim McKivigan

1st Vice President- Shana Sandrow

2nd Vice President- Brad Messerly

Treasurer- Rod Holdgrafer

Secretary- Russell Petersen

Sergeant at Arms- Brent A. Banks


Send mail to channing@bolickclinic com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: November 22, 2006